Thursday 15 November 2012

The Disappointments Dairy 2013

I fully admit and acknowledge I’m a bit (well… a big bit) of a pessimist.

My glass is more than often half empty than full and I love nothing more than a good moan – Be it the weather; rigmarole TV; the economy; politicians; bad drivers; rude people; poor customer service; the youth of today; the cost of fuel; Ryan Air; queue skippers; Chomp bars now costing 17p; price of cigarettes; Simon Cowell; Michael Bubble; reality shows; my rapidly greying hair; traffic wardens; and so on and so forth.

If you’re of a similar disposition as me and find nothing more satisfying and amusing than having a right wholesome complaint session then The Disappointment Dairy, written by Nick Asbury and designed by Hat-Trick Design, is the perfect stocking filler this Christmas (Don’t get me started on Christmas!!!)

I had a wee chuckle to myself this morning when I stumbled upon it.

Filled with amusing downtrodden quotes such as, ‘Everything happens for a terrifyingly random reason.’’ And ‘’Wine before beer, cry yourself to sleep. Beer before Wine, cry yourself to sleep.’’ Along with a page to fill with your friends and contacts telephone numbers entitled, ‘People Who Never Call,’ this diary is pretty much a handy phrase guide for the wannabe defeatist.

Pessimist or optimist, this diary will at least raise a wee smile on your face.

You can pre-order your 2013 diary here.


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